
We are creating space where people can shine and become involved in building something that will impact many and last for generations. It’s a project that needs you. You will be refreshed and refresh others.

Join the team!

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Join our Alpha Course on Thursday Evenings. Contact us to book on, for more information about the course visit


Every Sunday 16:00 | with children’s program | Leebgasse 34, 1100 Wien,

Join us at the start of this new adventure as we launch LIFE Church International

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LIFE Church in English! After starting many Austrian Churches, LIFE Church is launching a new Church planting venture; not in a new location but in a new language.


To lead English speaking people to Christ. To impact the city of Vienna. To enable Internationals coming to Vienna for a few years to leave a footprint in this city and country. To train and empower people to go back into their home country or other parts of the world and impact with kingdom culture & mentality. To create an international expression of LIFE Church. The crosspollination between the International and the Austrian will enhance what God is doing through LIFE Church in Austria.


Maybe YOU?

Just like in every Church Start-up, we believe that God is going to put His idea in other peoples heart to join us in this venture. We are praying and looking for people who are prepared to move to Vienna for two or three years to support the beginning of the LIFE Church International. We need people with music, technical, social media, pastoral, and leadership skills. People who will come and stand with us in prayer, or whose who are just ready to help were help is needed. We are recruiting English speaking people within Austria and abroad to be involved in something that will influence Austria and the nations.


Senior Leaders, LIFE Church


Caroline Hickley
Assistant Pastor, LIFE Church International


For more information & to get connected:


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Your donation benefits the church and the people, and through that, the society around us.

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